Join In!

Fitness is always more fun with others involved so join in if you like!

Vote! Vote for one of next week's classes!  The voting poll is experiencing technical difficulties but suggest a Fitivity in a post comment!

Add Thoughts! Been to the same class? Add your thoughts as a comment!

Need a Buddy? If there's that class / new thing that you've always wanted to try but couldn't find someone that wanted to try it with you, let me know!

Running a Class?  Want me to come and try your class to review? Drop me a line!


  1. You are mad but I love it- come check out SpinOut Fitness- A revolutionary Outdoor Fitness class. Launching on 1st August on Clapham Common!

    Drop me a line

  2. Thanks Sarah! I've never heard of outdoor spinning, will check out your website and drop you an email. Thanks!

  3. Hi, I love your blog, but when are you going to do Day 80?

  4. Hi Roger,
    Sorry for the late reply! Day 80 was completed ages ago (on Day 80 ;-) ) but the post never published I have now realised. Thanks for commenting else I may have never known...
    Watch this space!

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